OUR MISSION Maximizing the impact of biomedical research to improve human health

To help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on biomedical research, we will be collecting, creating and posting resources developed by HRA staff, HRA members, and the broader community.  Please let us know how we can help you.

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Our Mission

The Health Research Alliance, a collaborative member organization of nonprofit research funders, is committed to maximizing the impact of biomedical research to improve human health.


over 55,000

Awards contained in HRA Analyzer


Billion total HRA member funding in HRA Analyzer

$1 Bil

February is Heart Health month.  HRA Members provide over 1 billion dollars in support for Cardiovascular Research!

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HRA Analyzer

Demonstrating the impact of HRA Member funding

The HRA Analyzer is a real time, searchable database of awards made by its 75 members. As of the launch, the database represents $8.9 billion in funding and over 31,000 separate grants from 2006 to the present.  Check out Digital Science’s blog post of the HRA-UberResearch partnership.

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