Science and Social Media [HRA Members Meeting, Virtual, Fall 2021]
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Attend a session led by Kyle Marian Viterbo, Engagement Producer at Science Friday, to learn how the scientific community engages with social media and the myriad ways you can become an effective professional user as an individual and organization—whether you’re a program officer, grants administrator, member of the communications team, or executive leadership. In this session, which will be mixture of lecture and breakout sessions, you will get an introduction to: how scientific communities leverage different social platforms, how to “lurk” and get engaged as a user, what you can gain from engaging on social media, strategic thinking/considerations to engage your target audiences, and a few fundamental science communication (scicomm) tips. Please note: this session will not teach you how to train your funded researchers to be effective communicators on social media, but we hope it will make you feel more comfortable with navigating social media, and open your eyes to the power of Science Twitter and beyond!
Kari Fischer, PhD
Associate Director, Research Program | Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Kyle Marian Viterbo
Engagement Producer | Science Friday