National Center for Advancing the Career Development of Scientists [Webinar, January 10, 2018]
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There has been a large movement to broaden the career development of Ph.D. trainees for a variety of career paths, including those outside of academia but still in research-related positions. Although many such programs exist, and best practices are often shared, there has not yet been a structured, central effort to unify stakeholders in this area. Recently, pilot funding has been granted by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund to create a National Center for Advancing the Career Development of Scientists. The goal of this initiative is to facilitate universities, professional societies, and others to launch career development programs, by giving them the information and resources they need to develop their own successful programs.
In this webinar, Victoria McGovern, PhD, Senior Program Officer at the Burroughs Wellcome Fund and Cynthia Fuhrmann, PhD, Assistant Dean, Career and Professional Development at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at University of Massachusetts Medical School discussed the pilot initiative and how it will enhance and streamline development of the research workforce in the future.