Grants Administration Community Call [November 16, 2023]
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This Grants Admin Community Call was an open discussion about handling change requests. This includesd NCEs, institution transfers, change of scope, re-budget requests, etc.—how organizations receive, review, and approve such requests, and similar considerations.
As a reminder, the Grants Admin Community will hold recurring webinars on the second or third Thursday of each month in an open mic-style format—unless there is a topic that lends itself to an invited expert speaker(s)—around two or three pre-planned topics of member interest based on common listserv questions and per member request to spark candid discussion. These webinars are not limited to the scheduled topics, and will unfold as the conversation dictates, offering common problems and potential (ideally evidence-based) solutions. Please see and add to the running list of topics here.
Please note that due to the holidays, this was the last Grants Admin webinar in 2023.