How are funders best supporting the biomedical enterprise by their response to the COVID-19 crisis? [HRA Members Meeting, Virtual, Fall 2020]
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This unprecedented and continuously evolving COVID-19 pandemic has caused turbulence in the lives of the global public. Organizations worldwide are doing their best to learn and understand the impact of this novel coronavirus in order to adequately respond to this crisis and become better positioned for subsequent threats. In this session, we will hear perspectives from a research and a governmental funding agency about challenges they anticipate in addition to those they are currently facing. In addition, we will hear what strategies have been developed to address those challenges and if there are metrics to evaluate their success. Importantly, we will discuss the generalizability of strategies to better prepare for future crises.
Patricia Frustace
Senior Director of Awards and Diversity | American Society for Hematology
Reeti Behera, PhD (Presentation)
Senior Scientific Program Administrator | AACR
Erin Gibson, PhD (Presentation)
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science | Stanford University
Oliver Bogler, PhD (Presentation)
Director of NCI’s Center for Cancer Training | National Cancer Institute