
Cost of Research: Are Current Fellowship Models Still “Current”? [HRA Members Meeting, Spring 2019]

As new discoveries and technological advancements continue to enhance our scientific knowledge, the question arises as to whether current funding models are keeping pace in this rapidly changing environment. Indeed, the advent of sophisticated approaches to solve scientific questions, as well as policies around sharing this information with other researchers or the public, results in higher costs for laboratories. Likewise, the training period for mentored investigators has lengthened as they compete for independent positions, as has the time needed to effectively complete and analyze complex experiments, leading to the need for prolonged research support. This session will focus on the changing research landscape, and how this impacts the value of current funding models. We hope to shed some light into what are considered the current “industry standards” with respect to specific postdoctoral funding mechanisms, and to provide insights into what decision points could lead to change, if an organization were interested in updating its grantmaking approach.

Jenna Koschnitzky, PhD (Presentation)
National Director of Research Programs | Hydrocephalus Association

Julie Fabsik-Swarts, MS, CFRE, CAP (Presentation)
Executive Director | National Postdoctoral Association