Clinical Trials Interest Group Open Discussion [July 11, 2023]
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This session was the first meeting of the new Health Research Alliance Clinical Trials Interest Group! Initially, this group is focusing on the benefits, challenges, and strategies for enhancing the diversity of clinical trial participant populations, and will explore topics such as guidelines for inclusion and equity in research, participant recruitment, clinical research workforce, etc. The community may expand the focus to other topics related to clinical trials in the future. This session solicited input from attendees to inform this new group’s future goals and activities.
Attendees shared their thoughts about important topics, pressing issues, or types of resources that they’d like to see this group take on via a Google Jamboard and in small and large group discussions (small group discussions were not recorded). Screenshots of the Google Jamboard are below:
Discussion question 1: What are the current barriers and factors that contribute to groups being under-represented in clinical trials?
Discussion question 2: What are potential solutions to the barriers and challenges identified on the previous Jamboard slide?