BEST (Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training) [Webinar, December 6, 2017]
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BEST (Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training) is an effort by 17 institutions to explore ways of improving biomedical career development. A fraction of biomedical PhDs will take a tenure-track faculty position, so training programs are developing innovated approaches to prepare students and postdocs for a range of career options. BEST aims to supply academic biomedical training programs with the resources needed to help their graduate students and postdocs enter a workforce outside of academia but still in research-related positions. BEST programs expose trainees to a variety of careers, such as policy, biotechnology, or science writing. These programs are supported by the National Institutes of Health Common Fund.
In this webinar, Patricia (Trish) Labosky, PhD, Program Leader at NIH provided more information on BEST, share lessons learned, and helped HRA members understand how they could take advantage of this program in their own organizations.