The Program Evaluation community learned more about Utilizing Visualization for Program Evaluation: Techniques and Strategies at its September meeting. Speaker: Dr. Katy Börner, Indiana University in Bloomington, Professor of Engineering and... read more →
The Program Evaluation Community held a call to learn more about the value of logic models in both designing programs and measuring impact. Attendees came prepared to share their own... read more →
This session briefly reviewed the concept of a logic model. It focused on how logic models can be used in practice to develop a new program or modify an existing... read more →
Listed below are some of the resources provided during the April 21, 2022 "Enhancing Program Performance Using Logic Models” session during the spring virtual members meeting. Resources for "intro to... read more →
The first meeting of 2022 was an Open Mic session on the challenges members are facing in evaluating their programs as well as some solutions to these challenges. The Program... read more →
This is a logic model for a hypothetical diseased-focused grants program developed several years ago by Sindy Escobar Alvarez at the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.
Logic Models facilitate effective program planning, implementation, and evaluation. A program logic model is a picture of how your program works – the theory and assumptions underlying the program. The... read more →
This is a logic model for the NIH K award career development programs, showing the expected theory of change. It is from a report prepared by WESTAT for NIH entitled... read more →
Several years ago, HRA members collaborated with a consultant to create this Logic Model Template for developing and evaluating a program targeted toward Early Career Investigators. Included as a part... read more →
The Grants Program Analysis Working Group recently held its bimonthly call to discuss the status of current projects and upcoming goals. The document above gives a recap of what was... read more →