Thank you to the MANY organizations who contributed progress report and financial report templates. These are compiled in the linked document. If you have edits to your organization's information or... read more →
The Grants Administration Working Group held a webinar that featured presentations from fellow HRA members on their respective grants management databases. • Catrina Bryant from the Beckman Foundation spoke about... read more →
The Donaghue Foundation and the Health Research Alliance joined with HealthDataViz, a Boston firm that specializes in helping healthcare organizations design and present visual displays of data, and offered this... read more →
What is your process of LOI review for a program or mechanism? What is the count of LOIs you get and what number do you allow to submit full applications?
To identify and showcase how organization's resources have made an impact attendees learned how to answer questions such as: Did your funding keep researchers in the field? Has your research... read more →
The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) published findings from research it conducted on reviewer and applicant perceptions of criteria usage and risk evaluation in grant peer review. The manuscript, entitled... read more →
The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) published in August 2018, a literature review summarizing results of empirical tests on the validity of peer review decisions using impact measures of investigator... read more →
At the Tristate Area Regional Members Meeting in January 2018, attendees heard about the Entrepreneurial Investing Initiative to fund the development of products with the potential to benefit patients. Applicants... read more →