HRA members are a wealth of information about developing innovative and strategic funding programs to advance biomedical sciences. This session will highlight the behind the scenes of the strategic planning... read more →
Grants management systems have evolved from platforms that simply manage, store and report on grant making data to solutions that grant management professionals and program staff can use to streamline... read more →
How can organizations measure and understand the impact of their research programs? What can online tools offer to automate or streamline evaluation processes to provide insights into research investments? In... read more →
For its September meeting, the DEI working group invited a panel of three distinguished researchers to share their stories and help HRA members learn what actions biomedical research funders can... read more →
For its July meeting, the DEI Community learned more about increasing LGBTQ+ retention in STEM: Speakers: Dr. Colbie Chinowsky and Shane Coffield Summary: Increasing LGBTQ+ retention is a key part of improving the... read more →
For its June meeting, the DEI Community learned more about how peer review may contribute to funding disparities across racial groups and between minority-serving institutions (MSIs) and traditionally White institutions... read more →
This conversation was a continuation from the HRA Spring Meeting session “How to Build Mentoring and Community Support Platforms To Support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion In Your Scientific Network”. The... read more →
Early-career investigators (ECI) require mentoring to succeed to their fullest potential and make it over the ‘career valley of death.’ Since diversity increases the strength of innovation, nonprofit funders may... read more →
In this webinar HRA members learned about Acclinate. Acclinate integrates culture and technology to achieve more inclusive clinical research. This presentation explored how Acclinate uses digital engagement to influence health... read more →