HRA members now have the opportunity to join a well-established ORCID consortium led by LYRASIS called the ORCID US Community. This webinar described the many benefits to belonging to this consortium... read more →
This series is designed as an introduction to HRA Analyzer, our members-only online awards database. If you have never worked with Analyzer before, we strongly encourage you to view the... read more →
Staff from three HRA member organizations shared their experience running virtual peer reviews from coordinating reviewers and managing conflicts virtually, to fostering productive discussion and making the most various technologies... read more →
The Grants Program Analysis Working Group recently held its bimonthly call to discuss the status of current projects and upcoming goals. We had a very productive call, and wanted to... read more →
This webinar featured a read-out and discussion of the recent National Academies report on the Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM (PDF above).
The open access platform makes it easy to share research recipes and to collaborate on method development, both publicly and privately. This free platform addresses lack of reproducibility due to less than... read more →
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) play a hidden but critical role in the common project to advance knowledge and improve life experience. They ensure that the imperatives of science are balanced... read more →
Our colleagues from Digital Science (Ashlea, Monika, Jonathan, and Alex) gave an update on three of the HRA Platforms: HRA Analyzer, HRA Reporter, and HRA Open. We talked about what they are... read more →
Many HRA members have asked what the ROI is for requiring their awardees to use ORCID in the application compared with what funders get from becoming members of the HRA-ORCID... read more →
Panelists: Shirley Tilghman (president emerita, Princeton University), Lida Beninson (Program Officer, NASEM), and Laura Contreras-Ruiz (staff scientist, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.) The changing landscape of biological research has changed the day-to-day... read more →