The cochairs presented the results of a precall survey to gauge topic interest and get a sense of where HRA members are with respect to registries and biorepositories. The powerpoint... read more →
Breakout Session: A Natural History of HRA & Patient Registries Informed by member and non-member experiences, challenges, questions, and accomplishments, this session will present and discuss organizations’ patient registries efforts.... read more →
The “Sending Signals” subgroup of the NASEM’s Roundtable on Aligning Incentives for Open Science developed language that funders and universities are beginning to use to send a clear signal to... read more →
Dear colleagues, In recognizing the clear interest of HRA members on effective Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) work within their mission, we are excited to share about the launch of... read more →
Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, MD, Director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), gave an update to the AAMC community on key NIMHD issues for the extramural... read more →
Many HRA Member organizations' portfolios include programs and efforts to increase diversity in the sciences. This July 2020 spreadsheet is intended as an inventory of those efforts, as well as... read more →
By conducting peer review prior to data collection, Registered Reports publications emphasize the importance of the research question and the quality of methodology rather than the results of a study.... read more →
We have compiled the responses to a listserv post looking for recommendations for companies or people who do DEI education. The query specifically did not want an online course, but... read more →
In April the Council on Government Relations (COGR) hosted a webinar title “A Focus on Compensation Polices Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis” to learn from universities about their policies relating to... read more →