Using the Listserv

Email listservs allow HRA members to share and request information from the HRA community. HRA has four active listserv channels, detailed below, with varying levels of access to post and subscribe to the listserv.

HRA Listserv Channels

Click the headings below to expand and reveal more information about listserv usage and access.

Info Listserv

The original, “info” listserv – to facilitate communication among HRA members and to keep members updated about HRA and HRA member activities.

Listserv email address:

Access: This listserv channel is only available to HRA members; you must be an HRA member to subscribe and post. You must be subscribed in order to post to this listserv. Email Jenna Hicks (jenna [at] healthra [dot] org) to request to be subscribed to HRA’s Info listserv.

Jobs Listserv

The “jobs” listserv – to allow HRA Members to share open positions at HRA Member Organizations and NON-Member Organizations.

Listserv email address:

Access: Anyone can subscribe (click here to subscribe to the HRA Jobs listserv), only HRA members can post. You must be subscribed in order to post to this listserv.

RFA/RFP Listserv

The “rfa.rfp” listserv – created to allow HRA Members to share their RFAs and RFPs with fellow HRA members and the broader biomedical research community. Anyone is welcome to subscribe.

Listserv email address:

Access: Anyone can subscribe (click here to subscribe to the HRA RFA/RFP listserv), only HRA members can post. You must be subscribed in order to post to this listserv.

CEO Listserv

A “CEO” specific listserv for the leaders of HRA member organizations to have a space to communicate with each other.

Listserv email address:

Access: Only HRA member organization executives can subscribe and post. You must be subscribed in order to post to this listserv. Email Jenna Hicks (jenna [at] healthra [dot] org) to request to be subscribed to HRA’s CEO listserv.

Listserv Usage Polices and FAQs

Click the headings below to expand and reveal more information about listserv policies and archives.

How do I post (or reply to posts) on the listserv?

  • You will only be able to post to listserv channels to which you are subscribed. You must be an HRA member to make a post to any of the listserv channels.
  • Send your message to the appropriate listserv channel email address directly from your email client, exactly as you’d like it to appear in subscribers’ inboxes (see the ‘HRA Listserv Channel’ section above for the email addresses for each channel).
  • Upon successfully sending your message to the listserv, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the subject line ‘Message distribution: Forwarded’ confirming that your message is awaiting moderator review.
  • All posts are reviewed by a human moderator before they are released for distribution, so your message may not go out immediately.
  • Upon moderator approval, your message will be distributed via email to all subscribers of that listserv channel.

Messages Not Permitted on HRA Listservs

  • NO SOLICITING: Solicitation for funds for organizations and/or individuals is not permitted.
  • NO LOBBYING: Messages that encourage lobbying for specific legislation or advocating for specific political candidates are not permitted. However, providing information on legislation related to health research and training, without advocating specific action, is acceptable

Policy for Soliciting Survey Responses via HRA Listservs

Survey Distribution:

For HRA to approve use of the listserv for survey distribution, there are two rules.

  1. The analysis must be of value to a significant percentage of HRA member organizations.
  2. You must be willing to make the data and analysis available to HRA members and you must be clear how you will do that in the post.

We recommend that when posting to the listserv, you include the following:

  • A deadline for submitting responses
  • A date by which the response information will be made available to HRA members, and how that will happen. For instance, you can add something like “The survey will be open through May 31, and information will be compiled and distributed in aggregate via the listserv and in the Resources section of the HRA website by June 15.”

Information can be shared with the membership in at least two ways.

  • Ideally, you would provide access to data and analysis to all HRA members and the broader community in a form that can be posted on “Resources” page of HRA’s website.
  • If there is data that can be shared with HRA Members only, we can make that information accessible to HRA Members only by requiring a login to the website to access the analysis.

Send the analysis to HRA staff to post including which of the above methods is appropriate.

Compilation of Listserv Results

For listserv posts that generate a significant number of responses, we ask that the person who posted to the listserv compile the responses for redistribution and posting to the HRA website.  If you do not have the bandwidth to compile the responses please let HRA staff know so we can make sure this happens.

How can I access the listserv archives?

  • You will only be able to access archives for listserv channels to which you are subscribed.
  • To access the archives for one of the listserv channels to which you are subscribed, click the appropriate link below:
  • Click the ‘Login’ button in the upper right corner to login to the listserv platform (please note, your login credentials for the listserv platform are different than your login credentials for the HRA website). If this is your first time accessing the archives, click “First login?” to generate your password. Your username is your email address.
  • Once logged in, use the search bar to search recent listserv posts, or use the ‘Advanced Search’ feature to search within a wider date range. See screenshot of the Advanced Search feature below.
    Screenshot of Advanced Search screen within the HRA Info listserv archives. The keyword search box (top) and the 'Extend search field' (bottom) sections are highlighted. The Extend search field should be used to select all months within the date range you'd like to search.

In accordance with the confidentiality guidelines approved by the HRA Board of Directors, please note that the username and password for the Members Only portion of the HRA website may not be shared beyond the HRA membership. Also, if you wish to share any documents from the Members Only portion of the website beyond the HRA membership, please first request permission from HRA.