Issue Overview
The philanthropic sector in general and the membership of the Health Research Alliance in particular, are composed of a diverse set of organizations who have contributed to advancing biomedical research by developing human capital; building knowledge and expanding
scientific disciplines; supporting institutions; stimulating innovation; translating discoveries into cures, therapeutics and prevention of disease; establishing product development partnerships; fostering the dissemination of information, data sharing and collaboration;
and, advocating for resources and policy changes.
The variations in the types of funding mechanisms HRA members employ has significantly evolved along with the broader funding community. For instance, HRA has many members who fund in part or in whole using a venture philanthropy model. As well, other groups are trying new approaches to accelerate innovation and solve tough problems through novel funding mechanisms including crowdsourcing, hosting unique scientific gatherings, and other mechanisms to connect academic research to drug discovery and clinical studies.

- Resiliency and Sustainability: Exploring Best Practices in Development and Fundraising [HRA Members Meeting, Virtual, Fall 2020]
- Nonprofit Funding Models
- HRA members and their Career Development Awards [2016 Compilation – Excel Direct Download
- Breaking the mold: New models in research funding [HRA Members Meeting, Spring 2018]