Issue Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has and continues to create a disruptive and measurable imprint on nonprofit organizations. In addition to disrupting the health and safety of the workforce, the pandemic challenges the fundamental ways nonprofits are meeting their organizational missions. During this crisis HRA leveraged networks and partnerships with research institutions, other funding agencies, our researchers and others to provide valuable resources to the community. Two examples are below.
HRA’s COVID-19 Impact Survey
- Letter from the Executive Director including Executive Summary
- Members’ Version of the Survey Report (you must be logged in to access this document)
- Public Version of the Survey Report
After hearing from member organizations about the impact of the pandemic on fundraising events, research awards, etc., we conducted a survey of our membership to understand the pandemic’s broader organizational impacts. We were particularly interested in the pandemic’s impact on organizational revenues (e.g., revenue diversification, fundraising/endowment performance), operations (e.g., staff changes, restructuring, impact of remote work other bottom-line adaptations), research grant awards (e.g., number of awards, extensions, diversity of awards), and programming (e.g., conversion to virtual, cancelling).
In the report presenting and analyzing the survey data, you will read about these impacts. While we suspected many of the trends that this survey quantified, some results were surprising. Below are the four highlights of the report’s conclusions, but I encourage you to read the entire report. The report has been used to facilitate complicated conversations within our CEO roundtables and collaborative working groups, and we hope this report and its strategic insights are also helpful to you as you reflect on your own organizational changes and as you plan for the future.
- Flexibility is most important
- Widespread changes to staffing and organizational structures were not reported
- The impact of COVID-19 was not overwhelmingly negative (nor positive)
- Different experiences for Fundraising vs. Endowment
Compilation of COVID-19 responses from funders
HRA members shared how their organizations are preparing for or responding to COVID-19 via our listserv. We added that data to a broader set of responses compiled by a team at the Simons Foundation. This resulting spreadsheet has responses for a wide variety of funders.

- Reimagine Biomedical Research for a Healthier Future Symposium [September 2021]
- How to Return to the Workplace Safely (from
- Post COVID-19 Recommendations for Early Career Research Support Mechanisms
- Open Mic: Innovation in Philanthropy [HRA Members Meeting, Virtual, Fall 2020]
- How are funders best supporting the biomedical enterprise by their response to the COVID-19 crisis? [HRA Members Meeting, Virtual, Fall 2020]
- HRA COVID Assessment Survey Questions
- Early COVID Financial Impact Survey
- National Institute on Minority Health & Health Disparities Director’s Update
- COGR Webinar on University Compensation Policies
- Transforming to Virtual Scientific Conferences
- Summary of Select Reopening Guidelines
- AFP Virtual Meeting Case Study 2020
- COVID-19 Funder Responses
- COGR’s FAQs and Resources on COVID-19’s Impact to Federal Awards
- Running a Successful Virtual Peer Review [Webinar, April 16, 2020]
- COVID-19 Resources for NIH Applicants & Recipients
- Funders of Health Research and Training Respond to Continuing Economic Challenges (May 2009)