The 2021 Strategic Plan was developed to enhance HRA’s value to HRA member organizations. The strategies that the Strategic Planning committee recommended to achieve those goals were the result of much input from the membership. These are designed to increase HRA members’ ability (directly or indirectly) to enhance the impact of their investment in research, and by doing so achieve HRA’s mission.
Acknowledging that there are more activities recommended than can be accomplished with existing HRA resources, an implementation framework was created to guide HRA staff, leadership, and membership in prioritizing. The plan is flexible to be able to adapt to changing circumstances. One of the first tasks was to designate a team to evaluate HRA’s progress toward these goals (see the Strategic Planning Evaluation Committee roster below).
In February 2023, after input from the Strategic Plan Evaluation Committee and the Board of Directors, the Strategic Plan was updated and a draft presented to the membership for feedback.
If you have comments or suggestions about the Strategic Plan (about what may be missing, what you think is high priority or anything else!) please email Christine Riordan, HRA’s Executive Director, at christine [at] healthra [dot] org. Your feedback is always much appreciated!
Strategic Plan Details:
- October 2023 ‘State of the Alliance’ strategic plan update
- Updated Strategic Plan (February 2023)
- 2021 Strategic Plan Appendices
- Implementation Framework 2021 Strategic Plan
HRA Strategic Planning Committee Roster
Christopher Martin (Committee Chair, formerly Kavli Foundation)
Kara Coleman (Pew Charitable Trust)
Marc Hurlbert (Melanoma Research Alliance)
TJ Koerner (American Cancer Society)
Maneesh Kumar (formerly Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation)
Amy Laster (Foundation Fighting Blindness)
Belinda Orland (American Heart Association)
Krissa Smith (Susan G Komen)
Heather Snyder (Alzheimer’s Association)
Carole Wegner (V Foundation)
Maryrose Franko (Health Research Alliance)
Annette Huetter (Health Research Alliance)
HRA Strategic Planning Evaluation Committee Roster
Heather Snyder (Committee Chair, Alzheimer’s Association)
Brent Dolezalek (James S. McDonnell Foundation)
Sindy Escobar-Alvarez (Doris Duke Charitable Foundation)
Lynne Garner (Donaghue Foundation)
Marion Greenup (Simons Foundation)
Amy Laster (Foundation Fighting Blindness)
Christopher Martin (formerly Kavli Foundation)
Eileen Melnick (Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation)
Belinda Orland (American Heart Association)
Previous Strategic Plans: