HRA Open

About HRA Open

HRA Open is a web-based service sponsored by the HRA that promotes open science and enables HRA member-funded awardees to link grant support to awardees’ research outputs. We are excited to provide this service to HRA members in an effort to make science more OPEN and to enhance the ability to track the outputs of your funded research!

Why use HRA Open?

HRA Open allows participating member organizations to offer awardees a means to comply with open access policies at no cost to the member organization or awardee. HRA Open acts as a verification gateway to the NIH Manuscript Submission System, through which awardees can deposit publications in PubMed Central. Additionally, HRA Open enables linking of additional research outputs beyond publications via Figshare.

How HRA Open Works

In order to participate in HRA Open, HRA member organizations must have grant records deposited in HRA Analyzer. Award data is imported from HRA Analyzer into HRA Open on a scheduled frequency. Once award data appears in HRA Open, funder administrators may invite awardees to participate in HRA Open. Awardees are sent an invitation to participate in HRA Open from their funder, detailing how to create a link from their unique identifier (e.g. ORCID) to their award. When the awardee has published a manuscript or other research output, they then use HRA Open to link that research output to the previously linked award in HRA Open (via Figshare within HRA Open, and via the NIH Manuscript Submission System/PubMed Central).

Prerequisites to Participation

HRA member organizations must satisfy three prerequisites and complete the onboarding process in order to participate in HRA Open.

  1. Grant records must be in HRA Analyzer
  2. Your organization must have a public or open access policy
  3. You must complete a Participation Request Form and submit to Jenna Hicks (jenna [at] healthra [dot] org)

Though it is not required for HRA Open use, we also recommend that participating organizations require an ORCID from their awardees, as it is a convenient way in which awardees can create an account within the HRA Open system upon invitation.  HRA members can join the ORCID US Community at a discount compared to individual membership. ORCID membership is not required to participate in HRA Open.

HRA Open Partner Organizations

HRA has partnered with the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Figshare to create the HRA Open platform. The NLM enables awardees to deposit peer-reviewed publications into PubMed Central (PMC) using the NIH manuscript submission (NIHMS) system, and Figshare enables awardees to deposit other materials related to funded projects, including figures, datasets, presentations, and other research outputs. The HRA Open platform connects the functionality from these systems –  enabling the upload of publications and research outputs, and creating linkages between grants and associated articles and research outputs.

The NIHMS system facilitates the submission process of peer-reviewed manuscripts for inclusion in PubMed Central in compliance with the NIH or participating funder’s public access policy. Further information on funders participating in the NIHMS system and their public/open access policies is available on the NIHMS website.

Participation Request

Want your organization to participate? Complete and send this form to jenna [at] HealthRA [dot] org to participate in HRA Open.

Additional Open Science Resources