HRA Analyzer

About HRA Analyzer

HRA Analyzer (formerly called HRA Reporter) is a searchable database of awards made by HRA member organizations. HRA Analyzer aims to represent the scope of awards by HRA member nonprofit organizations to provide a clearer picture of the biomedical research funding landscape. HRA Analyzer enables data-driven analysis and strategic grantmaking by HRA members. HRA Analyzer is only accessible to HRA members and individual-level data is not to be shared publicly.

Why use HRA Analyzer?

HRA Analyzer provides a data source and analysis platform that enables users to examine trends in nonprofit grantmaking, identify other organizations with similar funding interests, find researchers with expertise relevant to organizations’ funding priorities, and more. Each organization that deposits their award data increases the utility of this tool by making the database more accurate and comprehensive.

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How HRA Analyzer Works

HRA member organizations submit data at regular intervals to our partners at Digital Science, who check data for completeness and load it into an analytical platform called Dimensions. The online database, HRA Analyzer, is updated once a month and accessible through secure logins by staff at HRA member organizations.

HRA Analyzer Partner Organization

HRA partnered with Digital Science to create the database – it is a customized version of Digital Science’s flagship offering, Dimensions, a global award database covering hundreds of funders and with over $1 trillion in historical and future funded research.

HRA Analyzer follows the model of the National Institutes of Health’s NIH RePORTER, which provides comprehensive information on research projects funded by the NIH and other federal agencies. No comparable database previously existed to capture investment in biomedical research by the nonprofit community, which was estimated to represent almost $3 billion in 2020, according to Research!America.

HRA Analyzer functionality includes automated coding of research areas using multiple different taxonomies, the ability to drill down to individual grant data including associated publications, and the power to visualize data and trends in a variety of ways. In addition to HRA members’ award data, HRA Analyzer includes NIH funding data.


Click to expand the headings below and reveal more information.

How does my organization contribute data?

We are here to make this as painless as possible! The easiest way to submit data is to e-mail a report from your grants management system or other database to [email protected]. The Digital Science/Dimensions team will review it for completeness and ensure it fits standards for HRA data structure, and integrate the data into the database.

What data fields are required for contributing data to HRA Analyzer?

Data uploads to HRA Analyzer can contain many fields about both awards and awardees. Read more about HRA Analyzer fields here. The below fields are the minimum required fields for data uploads to maximize the utility of the database.

  • Unique project ID
  • Award title and abstract*
  • Award start and end dates
  • Funding amount
  • Recipient name
  • Recipient organization

*Please note that abstracts are required for classification (category) coding

Are template spreadsheets available for data uploads?

The easiest way to submit data to HRA Analyzer is to email an export from your grants management system to [email protected]. If you prefer to use a template spreadsheet to upload your data, please use the following:

Email the template spreadsheet containing your organization’s data to [email protected].

What language regarding information shared in HRA Analyzer is recommended to include in award terms and conditions?

HRA recommends that the following information be included in the terms and conditions of awards for which data will be shared in HRA Analyzer.

The Awardee and Institution give [FUNDER X] the right to place their information into the Health Research Alliance’s ( online database of privately funded grants, called HRA Analyzer, which is only accessible to staff at members of the Health Research Alliance.  The data in HRA Analyzer data will only be shared publicly in aggregate.

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Get Help

Contact jenna [at] healthra [dot] org with HRA member-specific questions or to have your user id generated.