HRA Analyzer Partner Organization
HRA partnered with Digital Science to create the database – it is a customized version of Digital Science’s flagship offering, Dimensions, a global award database covering hundreds of funders and with over $1 trillion in historical and future funded research.
HRA Analyzer follows the model of the National Institutes of Health’s NIH RePORTER, which provides comprehensive information on research projects funded by the NIH and other federal agencies. No comparable database previously existed to capture investment in biomedical research by the nonprofit community, which was estimated to represent almost $3 billion in 2020, according to Research!America.
HRA Analyzer functionality includes automated coding of research areas using multiple different taxonomies, the ability to drill down to individual grant data including associated publications, and the power to visualize data and trends in a variety of ways. In addition to HRA members’ award data, HRA Analyzer includes NIH funding data.