November Grants Administration Open Mic
The next Grants Administration Community open mic is on Thursday, November 21st from 3:30-4:30pm ET. After September’s lively discussion, we will again focus on peer review, starting with scoring systems for evaluating applications. We know there are a lot of ways to evaluate research proposals, and we want to hear what your organizations do! As always, we urge members to come and ask other, non-monthly-topic-related grants admin questions, as well.
As a reminder, the Grants Admin Community holds monthly webinars in an open mic-style format—unless there is a topic that lends itself to an invited expert speaker(s)—around one-to-three pre-planned topics of member interest based on common listserv questions and per member request to spark candid discussion. These webinars are not limited to the scheduled topics, and will unfold as the conversation dictates, offering common problems and potential solutions. Please see and add to the running list of topics here.
We look forward to seeing you on November 21st! Please note that due to the holidays, this may be our last open mic for the year. We will restart in January and plan for the year ahead!