
September Grants Administration Community Open Mic – Patient Advocates in Peer Review

9/25/24 2-3PM ET - Online via Zoom

The next Grants Administration Community open mic is on Wednesday, September 25th  from 2:00-3:00pm ET. Based on popular demand, we will kick off the academic year with a discussion around using patient advocates in the review process! We will have some pre-planned speakers, and may even include an actual patient advocate to share their experiences, but encourage all interested to come and share their thoughts, questions, pain points, and pro tips! Even if your organization doesn’t use patient advocates, you’re welcome to join us, as we expect the discussion will later morph into a general peer review open mic. As always, we urge members to come and ask other, non-monthly-topic-related grants admin questions, as well! 

As a reminder, the Grants Admin Community holds monthly webinars in an open mic-style format—unless there is a topic that lends itself to an invited expert speaker(s)—around one-to-three pre-planned topics of member interest based on common listserv questions and per member request to spark candid discussion. These webinars are not limited to the scheduled topics, and will unfold as the conversation dictates, offering common problems and potential solutions.

Grants Administration Community Co-Chairs:

  • Orlando Green, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
  • Christy Hudson, Philanthropic Advisor, Life Sciences Programming
  • Sonia McStay, Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation